english | spanish | italian

Gianluca romagnuolo


My Professional

Journey and Skills

«Few people made such an impact on the structure of the business as he has done


About Me

I was born and raised in Naples, a city rich in history and culture, known for its influence on art, philosophy, and the world-renowned Neapolitan traditions. My educational journey began with a strong foundation in the classics, studying Latin, Greek, and philosophy, which shaped my analytical and creative thinking. This classical education was complemented by a rigorous university curriculum in mathematics, algorithms, and computer science.

My Story

My career has been a tapestry of diverse experiences across Europe. After growing up in Italy, I moved to Ireland, then spent a few years in Spain, and later lived in the UK. Now, I reside somewhere in Spain, continuing my professional and personal journey.

While in university, I balanced my studies with roles as an IT consultant and marketing manager, honing practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge. My passion for theatre led me to perform plays by Aristophanes and Euripides, and I also dabbled in songwriting for the guitar.

Fluent in Italian, Spanish, English, and Neapolitan, I leverage my language skills to connect with diverse teams and clients.

Professional Experience


Early Career

My journey into the professional world began during high school, where I interned at Geo Servizi, a construction consultancy firm. There, I became proficient in recording CAD project data on Excel, developing a solid foundation in spreadsheets and data reporting.

In 2004, I took on a role as a Customer Assistant at Musgrave in Dublin, managing inventory control and honing my customer service skills. The following year, I joined Fastweb as a B2B and B2C sales representative, supporting the launch of Italy’s first optical fibre infrastructure. This role introduced me to the fast-paced world of telecommunications and sales.

During my university years, I further expanded my horizons by joining Lyra Textil as a Marketing Manager. I planned and coordinated marketing strategies, oversaw the sales team, and successfully launched a new brand, gaining media attention.


These early experiences reflect my eagerness to learn, adaptability, and determination to excel in diverse environments, laying the groundwork for my future career in product management and technology.


Strong Experience

I started my strong journey in Spain, implementing SAP Payroll solutions for Novartis Italy and Shell Turkey and becoming the Single Point Of Contact for Italian Payroll solutions for Solvay and Pfizer, among others, requiring meticulous attention to fiscal laws and close collaboration with these industrial giants. 

My move to the UK saw me managing the digital division of PRCO Group, JohnHenry Productions, based in London. Here, I led the expansion of our production capabilities to Dubai, EAU and Hyderabad, India, and integrated complex systems like Freesat’s remote recording functionalities.
This experience taught me the intricacies of managing cross-functional teams across different geographies.

Entrepreneurship and Marketing

In 2017, I co-founded Soneweb, a digital marketing agency. Soneweb’s success lies in our personalized approach, treating each client’s brand as our own. We’ve become more than just a service provider; we are a dedicated extension of our clients’ marketing departments, fostering long-term partnerships.

Current Role in Gambling

Currently, I am the Senior Product Owner for Marketing Solutions at Lottoland. This role has been a significant leap into the gambling industry, requiring rapid adaptation and strategic thinking. Within months, I was entrusted with greater responsibilities, leading to numerous accolades from company leadership for my strategic initiatives and effective stakeholder communication. My mantra here is simple: delivering happiness through innovation and efficiency.


My Perspective on Product Management

Effective product management is about more than just delivering features; it’s about creating value.

Here’s my approach:

  1. Customer-Centric Development: Always prioritize the end-user experience. Understanding customer needs and feedback drives meaningful innovation.
  2. Agile Methodologies: Flexibility and iterative development are crucial. Adopting agile practices allows teams to adapt quickly to changes and deliver incremental value.
  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging data to inform decisions ensures that strategies are aligned with market demands and business goals.
  4. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Successful product management requires seamless communication and collaboration across sales, operations, IT, and other departments.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Always seek ways to optimize processes and improve product offerings. This involves staying updated with industry trends and technological advancements.

Embracing Challenges and Learning

Throughout my career, each challenge has been a learning opportunity. From expanding production in Dubai to integrating new technologies in London, and now driving product innovation in the gambling industry, I’ve learned the importance of adaptability and resilience.

Personal Growth and Cultural Exchange

Living and working in different countries has enriched my professional and personal life. Each move brought new cultural insights and professional challenges, enhancing my ability to navigate diverse environments and build strong, multicultural teams.

My journey is a testament to the power of education, cultural exchange, and relentless pursuit of excellence.

As I continue to evolve in my career, I remain committed to driving impactful change, fostering innovation, and delivering value through strategic product management.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss how my skills and experiences align with your needs.

«He found ways to help all aspects of the business, whether for efficiency or effectiveness, and laid the foundation for everyone to get on with what they were good at

– technical lead AT JOHNHENRY | PRCO

Contact Me

Get In Touch

If you have a project or an idea, that I can help you to plan and implement or there is a wish to get me involved in some creative and exciting work, do not hesitate, get in touch!