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Gianluca romagnuolo




«His approach was practical, energetic, and forceful without being combative

– Technical lead


I met Gianluca a number of times before he came to work at JohnHenry. Over a number of years we both realised that his skills would make a perfect fit for the agency when the time was right. So when he joined it was with real conviction and purpose. Gianluca, is an intelligent man with total dedication. He relieves the pressure on others by taking on responsibility and equally getting work done. The role he played was to plan, create and execute a stricter process for all our work. He has always been focused on that and transformed our methods. We became ever more in control of the tasks and schedule throughout the team as result of all his effort and he never hesitates to take on any task. Beyond that he is always good natured, good humoured and professional. His technical and process knowledge is impressively broad. An excellent person to work with. 


Gianluca and I have worked together over a number of years and I can safely say that few people made such an impact on the structure of the business as he has done. Gianluca has had an incredibly professional manner from the moment he started with us, and he completed detailed and exhaustive research in order to administer the best tools and structures for JohnHenry to grow and flourish from a production perspective. His data-focused approach and ability to project a long-term business forecast made him an invaluable member of the company in the last few years and allowed us to report both to clients and internally in a way we had never done previously. Not only is Gianluca technically very capable, he is practical and accommodating, and great to be around.


Gianluca has been invaluable at JohnHenry in refining the processes used throughout the company, whilst also filling in gaps for technical support, account/project management, and more recently a company management role. I would have no hesitation in recommending him for his aptitude, dedication and work ethic, and hope to work with him again in the future.


Gianluca is a true professional, a solid, organized, detailed and extremely capable business leader. Gianluca is able to effectively communicate and build solid relationships throughout any level within an organization and understands the true business drivers which enables him to craft and implement solutions to address and resolve business challenges. He is skilled at identifying new streams for revenue generation, efficiency improvement and cost containment.


Gianluca joined the team at JohnHenry.net at a critical time. There were an increasing number of complex projects being embarked upon, and there was a lack of specialist project management skills within the team who had grown organically to that point. Gianluca approached the task methodically, reviewing all the existing and upcoming projects, discussing current working process with all team members, and forming a coherent and effective plan for improving the way things were done.

His approach was practical, energetic, and forceful without being combative. He found ways to help all aspects of the business, whether for efficiency or effectiveness, and laid the foundation for everyone to get on with what they were good at. Everyone’s life became much better knowing that they had his support and advice to fall back on, and soon learned to trust his judgement in many areas, not just project management.

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If you have a project or an idea, that I can help you to plan and implement or there is a wish to get me involved in some creative and exciting work, do not hesitate, get in touch!